D365FO - Data integration by OData
There are many ways to integrate with D365F&O OData is one of them. This post show you how to do simple integration. Simple architecture of OData with 3rd party application There are 3 main steps: Create a table, data entity, and OData service endpoint Register and prepare (OData client) application authentication in AAD and D365FO Create OData client application Create a table, data entity, and OData service endpoint First, we create a sample 'MyCar' table. CarID, BrandName, SerieName and Color declared as string, Price as real, and PurchasedDate as date. Then create an index for CarID and set that index to be table's Primary Index. Then create a data entity. After finished creating, note some data entities, tables, and security privileges are added into project. Now, re-check what we've just created. Table https://yourboxmainurl/?mi=SysTableBrowser&TableName=MyCar&cmp=DEMF&limitednav=true&lng=en-us OData https://yourboxmainurl/d...